My Origin


    Well hello their people of the internet, Scoliatic here again. Today I shall be talking about my birth and all the crazy things that were wrong with me back then. Please enjoy and share with your friends and family.

    You may be wondering how I got here, where I came from, and how some of my many disabilities came into place. You see it all started with my diaphragmatic hernia.

    Before I was born the doctors knew it was there. They first learned about it when I had my ultrasound and they were able to plan for my birth. When I popped into the world, the first thing my parents did was baptize me. This usually takes place later in a babies life but for all they knew at the time mine might not have lasted that long. After the baptism I was hooked up to machines to regulate breath and make sure that my heart was working properly. They had to do this because my organs were a mess. The hole in my diaphragm caused all my insides to be in the wrong places and you could even see the rise in my upper chest from the discombobulation. One of my lungs was permanently damaged and never grew to full size. The medical term was that it was hypoplastic. The compression of organs stretched out my arteries causing temporary pulmonary hypertension. Somehow these events also caused me to have torticollis, which meant that my neck muscles were messed up causing it to be stuck tilted in one direction and a misshapen head. The final thing that I had was jaundice, which is fairly common in newborns.

    Because of this very long list of unpleasantness, I was put an incubator and was rushed to a different hospital that could operate on me. During the operation they accidentally broke my ribs but managed to fix the hernia with a Gortex Patch. I then had to stay in the hospital for seven weeks to recover and was still attached to many machines and had a tube up my nose to help me breath. I hated that tube. One of the first things I tried to do was pull it out. Sometimes I succeeded and they would have to reinsert it. I was eventually released from the hospital and for the first time went to my house.

    Thus ends my first adventure of medical origins. This post was meant to be finished a few days ago but the computer wasn't as available and since this event happened when I was a baby I had to interview my parents. Once again I am asking for readers to share this post with friends, family, and anyone who you think may enjoy it. If you want to contact me my Email is and you can also post questions or grammar corrections in the comments. Thanks for reading and the next post will come soon I already have an idea for it but wont spoil it. Tata!


  1. Hi Scoliatic! 👋 Your readers may like to know how old you were when you had your first surgery. 🤔 Thanks for sharing your story with the internet world!

  2. I was two days old at the time. Thanks for asking for clarification random internet lady!


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