Intro and Infection
Hello beautiful people of the internet! I am Scoliatic, your friendly blogger with scoliosis and other things. This is my first blog ever and I hope you all enjoy it and learn some things about scoliosis. My future Blogs will most likely be shorter and in a different format, this is just so you know the important parts of my life with scoliosis and how I got through them. My ones after this will probably be more about daily life with scoliosis and life hacks or tips on how to survive. They will be more aimed for people with scoliosis bu that doesn't meant that if you don't have it you cant read this. If you do enjoy it please share it with your friends so that more people can find this blog. If you wish to contact me my Email is Enjoy the blog!
Scoliosis, the curse, the blessing, and the life. Scoliosis is a fairly common disability but is rarer in more severe cases like mine. It literally was so bad before I had surgery that most charts that I have looked up end before mine starts. Mine at its peak was about 70 degrees and was clearly viable even with a shirt on. I have an "S" shape curvature so it is out of wack in two places instead of the "C" shape which is sometimes more visible since it doesn't balance itself out with its two curves. It isn't nearly as bad now since my doctors did surgery and put a titanium rod to straighten out my spine. I grew multiple inches in height with my new and improved posture but it came at a price. I can no longer bend my spine at all. The metal rod kept me from bending or twisting my spine and with the new posture I had to relearn how to walk and hold my head, which had been bent the opposite way of my spine so that my world didn't look crooked. I managed to recover with the only signs of surgery being three large scars running across my back where they cut me open. Life went on, I grew, and grew, and grew. After a few months I had outgrown my rod. The doctors had to cut me open again and expand the rod to fit me. The rods had three pieces. There was the top and bottom, which were long titanium rods that slid into each other and had holes on them for the third part, the peg. If my brain is correct the peg was made of bronze, it was the same width as the rods and had two arm like parts that grasped the sides of the rods and stuck them together with a small jutting point that would go through the rods holes. The doctors would remove the pin and slide the rods up a few notches to suit my height. I can always tell when I need an expansion because I start hurting in my shoulder more often which is kinda cool but hurts.
After a few years one of my expansions went wrong. It was not obvious at first and took a while to take affect but it was still there. An infection. It started out one night when a large splotchy red rash appeared on my back and chest. I had a fever and was sore so I lay on my side on our pullout couch and watched TV. My mom called the doctor and the doctor said that I seemed fine and should lay in bed. The doctor thought I just had a bad fever and would recover without medical assistance. That was not the case. My fever continued to rise and my rash spread to the rest of my body at an alarming rate. My mom called the doctor and I was rushed to the E.R. and they quickly realized that I had a severe infection and a cold. They performed surgery on me and I had to stay at the hospital for a week and a half in the comfy extra flexible super deluxe bed with good hospital food except the bacon, don't eat hospital bacon. You may be thinking "Scoliatic, that must have been great!" And it would have if I didn't feel like a sack of soggy, rotten, potatoes. I was miserable, I was on so many medications I was delirious half the time. At one point they gave me an oxygen mask to help me breath, (I have lung problems, more about that in future blogs.) When I was released I did the same thing that I did in the hospital for a long time. Lay around, look sad, eat, and play video games. I eventually recovered from this dastardly ordeal but since then I have been more worried about surgery's.
Thus ends my first and very wordy blog. Next time I will talk about me upgrading and then breaking my rod. It will be released soon most likely this weekend or early next week. Tata for now, Scoliatic.
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