Expansion on Monday
Hello people of the internet, Scoliatic here. I learned a couple days ago that I have an expansion on Monday. Yay... As you may recall I hate expansions. I have had a few painful ones and I always feel weird afterwards. I have learned to take some pain meds beforehand and it helps but doesn't make it perfect. Also, I can usually tell when I have another one coming up by my back. It usually hurts more in my left shoulder when I need an expansion for some reason but that didn't happen this time so I was caught off guard. I'm not complaining about that part though because this means that I get to have my expansion before the back pain from needing one starts. I should be fine and nothing bad will happen but I am still nervous and probably will be until it's done so I wantt it to and don't want it to happen.
Aside from that news I also found out that I didn't get into a school I was going to go to. I was going to go to Big Picture but instead will be going to Why Not You Academy. I'm not that disappointed because it is a similar school style wise and I already know some of the people there. It is also partialy funded by Russel Wilson so I might get to meat him! I am going to be in the opening class and a new grade will be added each year. I am excited and may have more things to talk about such as scoliosis and school so stay tuned for when the new school year starts!
Bye for now! Share, subscribe, and comment, thanks, Scoliatic.
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