Definatly not the Matrix

     Hi again! Scoliatic here, I had to rewrite a paragraph the other day and had complete control on whatever I wanted to do to the paragraph. I deleted the whole thing and started from the beginning and came up with a completely different paragraph that turned into the start of a story. If you guys like it I might continue it.

     It was a quiet dark night when Gerald awoke. He knew something was off immediately after waking from his slumber. As a resident of New York City he was used to there being a bustle surrounding him but not tonight, there was nothing. He rose from his bed and stared out his window looking for answers. Outside things were very off. He could see cars, buses and people but heard no sound. He thought that he had gone deaf but realized he could hear his own breath although it sounded scratchy as if through an old speaker. Upon further inspection he saw that the cars were a pattern. Volkswagon beetle, truck, PT Cruiser, Convertible, and then, Challenger. Their paint jobs differed but not their order. Gerald quickly went to get dressed but found that all of his outfits had been replaced with gray pants and shirt, looking down he realized that his pajamas had changed too. Shaking his head he opened his apartment door, ran down the many flights of stairs and went outside. From the street things were even more odd. There were dogs being walked by invisible people, cats climbing nonexistent trees, and large cracks starting to emerge in the road. Gerald took one look and ran back inside to call someone, anyone, to figure out if anyone knew what the heck was going on. Upon reaching his phone he called the first person who came to mind, his mom. He dialed her number faster than he ever had and after hitting call he was met with the words, “Warning, Security breach in quadrant 4 aisle 6. Reality stabilizers overheating, all personal report immediately.” “Again, what the actual heck is going on?” yelled Gerald as he tried to call his father and was met with the same message. He tried his sister, no luck, his brother, none there, he tried his best friend Ferdinand last and this time he got a different message. “If any reality testers can here me, you will exit your virtual world in 30 seconds.”

    There you go, slightly different thing from usual and yes, I was thinking of the matrix while writing this. If you liked it please comment on your favorite parts and if you have anything you think I should change or disliked tell me there too. If you want to contact me directly about this or if you have a request on what you want me to post my email is Share, comment and have a good day full of being alive, I bid you all adieu for now.


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